wahre worte sind nicht schön, schöne worte sind nicht wahr – LAUDSE
Lemmy on the road
Lemmy on the road
Ein Gedanke zu „Lemmy on the road“
Lemmy pro Tacheles – Old snaggletooth sings – The party is over. The show must go on. Ace of spades or ace of clubs? Fuck it all! Tacheles yes or Tacheles no? Fuck it all! Shit is god`s gold! And Lemmy is the angel of goodness in the dress of his addiction to life.
Lemmy pro Tacheles – Old snaggletooth sings – The party is over. The show must go on. Ace of spades or ace of clubs? Fuck it all! Tacheles yes or Tacheles no? Fuck it all! Shit is god`s gold! And Lemmy is the angel of goodness in the dress of his addiction to life.